Olive Wood – Kitchen Set, Salad Servers and Spatula


item code: OW25
shipping weight: 0.26 kg

In stock

Quantity Sale Price
15 + $15.00


Hand Made in Bethlehem. Grade “A” Quality

Size: Length: 11.8″/30cm each

Olive wood figures and carvings have been around in the Middle-east since the 4th century AD under Byzantine rule. This craft continues to the present day. It involves the skilful chiseling of olive wood and is most common in the Bethlehem and Nazareth region.

As far as we know, the Greek Orthodox monks taught local residents how to carve olive wood, The art developed and became a major industry in Bethlehem and nearby towns.

Today, the art continues to be a major source of income for Bethlehem’s Palestinian Christian residents and is the most profitable tourist product in the city with the main purchasers being Believers in Yeshua.

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