Book – Journey Of the Soul. A Collection of Poems Written by David Ben Haim


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Journey Of the Soul. A collection of poems written by David Ben Haim

About the author:
David immigrated to Israel from Britain in 1979. He received Yeshua as his Messiah in 1982. perceiving a call to become a poet early after he came to faith, verses and rhymes pertaining to the life in light of the world started to flow from his pen, things he saw reflected in daily life and imagination. Poetry fast became the channel to share what God placed on his heart over many years, expression of the inner compulsion to write. In 1998 David married Irena, a Russian immigrant from Moscow, who brought a new found joy into his life. They have one daughter currently studying business studies at University. David and his family attend Beth Asaph messianic fellowship; for 19 years his regular employment includes looking after the five chronically disabled members of the congregation.

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